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Knoxville College Newsletter

Our 31st President - Leonard L. Adams, Jr.

The Knoxville College Board of Trustees is proud to announce Leonard L. Adams, Jr. as our Thirty First College President.

“ I am honored to serve as the 31st President of Knoxville College and hold the responsibility to ensure the light on the hill shines on the darkest of days.” -Leonard L. Adams, Jr.
KC Love - Class of ‘94

Our mission statement, vision statement and core values reveal the true goal of education; to not simply learn, but to become servant-leaders through service. Our faculty, staff, and administrators all believe in service to our students and are here to support you from start to finish. This is rooted in our faith-based Presbyterian founding in 1875 and it still holds true to this day.

“Let There Be Light” is our Motto and this light brightens the pathway to success. One once said “it may be difficult, but it’s possible” let’s make the possibility of being great a reality.

Welcome to Knoxville College where education is our core and excellence is our aim.

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